Miss Teen Canada 2022

Cassiopée M
My name is Cassiopée, I am 18 years old and I’m from Montreal. I am a student at Cégep de Maisonneuve.
Over the years, I have been very involved in my community. During several years in high school, I volunteered more than 100 hours with the Héma-Québec Blood Drive . Also, I personally raised $ 500 for Opération Enfant Soleil. In addition, I have been volunteering with Mission Bon Accueil since January 2021.
Being engaged in my community is essential for me. For years, I have volunteered in several organizations and it has allowed me to realize the importance of helping others. Also, by getting involved, I realized how much I love to be there for others. The smile on a person’s face is worth a thousand words. Whether it is accumulating money for young people or distributing food to families and people in need, any form of help is welcome! As part of my engagement, I have come to know many people with different and inspiring stories from each other.
Sport holds a very special place in my heart. I have been playing soccer since I was 6 years old and I have been playing flag football for 5 years. Likewise, in high school, my team and I won the provincial flag football championship. Currently, I play for the Cégep of Maisonneuve’s Vikings team. One of my greatest achievements is the success of my first triathlon where I finished 3rd in my category when I was 14 years old. It doesn’t matter what I do; whether it’s working out, soccer or flag football, sport is a passion that is rooted in my life.
My main values are loyalty, empathy, commitment, justice, perseverance and openness.
I won the title of Miss Teen Quebec 2020 and the organization has helped me grow and get to know myself better. I have developed confidence and determination. Also, I developed a passion of being engaged with the communities organizations. With the Miss Teen Quebec platform, I was able to be in contact with many young girls and women and help them with aspects of their personal lives. From now on, with the Miss Teen Canada title, I am convinced that I could reach more people, of all ages, all over Canada and help them in their personal and social success.
If I were to be elected, I would continue to be involved with community organizations such as Mission Bon Accueil and Opération Enfant Soleil. Also, I would like to use the Miss Teen Canada platform to promote community engagement and work towards reducing stereotypes.
You should vote for me! I am committed to continuing my involvement in my community as I am doing now. I also pledge to proudly represent this wonderful organization to the best of myself.
Let me show you that I deserve the honorable title of Miss Teen Canada 2022 by voting for me!
Coronation of Miss Teen Canada 2022.
Interview with Miss Teen Canada 2022.