Miss Teen Canada 2011

Magalie Touchette


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Journaux et magasines

Our Miss TEEN Canada went in Las Vegas for the Miss Teen North America Pageant competing for the crown. She came back home with the 1st runner-up position. Our actuall miss TEEN Quebec Sabrina and a 2011 miss finalist weres also part of that competion.Congrradulation to all of them!!

On November 2nd, Our Miss TEEN Canada flew to Barbados to participated in the National pageant MISS TEEN UNIVERSAL.

 Miss Canada

Miss Canada et Miss Teen Canada sont des Ă©vĂ©nements annuels des plus attendus. Ces Ă©vĂ©nements prĂ©conisent l’attitude et la personnalitĂ© avant tout. Les candidates vivre une superbe de belle expĂ©rience avec un esprit de camaraderie ainsi qu’un esprit de groupe grĂące aux nombreuses activitĂ©s.