Finalist Miss Canada 2024

Audrey R
My name is Audrey and i’m really involved into woman health for years. I’m an esthetician and i support women everyday to help them take care of their skin and gain confidence. I always liked to help people around me because i’m empathic. I like to think that small actions can illuminate the day of somebody. I’d like to inspire others to embrace their unique beauty, we’re all different and that’s what makes us beautiful.
Outside my work i’m really aventurous, spontaneous and easy to approach. I got the trip fever recently, so i want to travel and see other culture, learn many languages, meet a lot of people, have fun and grow.
I got endometriosis which is difficult to live with but it doesn’t stop my will to live a full life and travel the world. I’m grateful and lucky to be surrended by a wonderful familly who was there for me when i needed them. They are a big part of me.
If i’m elected miss Canada i want to inspire people to live their dreaming life without hesitation and any regrets. I’ll surely be involved into fondations for women in need like Calacs la Chrysalide and maybe create mine somedays. It’s a project that i have in mind for a long time.
You should vote for me because i never stop to fight for my ambitious and i identify myself as a strong model who can fully represent the values of Miss Canada. I’m ready to give everything i have to succeed and be proud of the efforts i made.