Finalist Miss Canada 2021

Dana V
As a naturalized canadian, I have been able to appreciate even more the Canadian culture. Originally from Mauritius, Canada has become home. The reason why I love Canada has been a lot due to the amazing, kind-hearted people around.
So, to give back to the community, I like to volunteer when I have time, whether it is to help kids at a community school in lachine to build a greenhouse or to volunteer at Welcome Hall Mission or helping university kids by volunteering at Concordia for the career management services.
I believe a lot in the saying that actions speak louder than words and this is one of motto in life. I enjoy the smallest things from the grass scent just after a rain shower or the art that is created by clouds in the mighty sky.
I believe also in sustainable living and that small actions can get us to protect the environment.
In my free time, when I am not working in what I love, which is finance, I love to explore and photograph the beauty of nature and of people. I also enjoy animals.
My career goals are set in finance. However, as a personal goal, I would love to work for a company such as WWF in the future.
I very much look up to philanthropists notably Sir David Attenborough and Princess Diana.