Daniella A
My name is Daniella, and I am 21 years old. I am presently in university pursuing my dream job of being an architect through the intermediate of building engineering. Since I was 10 years old, I started to put my dreams in place. First, become an architect to be able to put my own touch in Montreal’s skyline. Second, since I can remember, I have always been passionate of dance and when I reached 10 years old, I put in place my dream of one day dancing for a celebrity, either in a concert or in a music video. I started pursuing this dream in Cegep when I joined the double DEC in natural science and dance. I know very well that it will not be in the years to follow that these dreams will come true, but I am still young and a very determined person. When I put something in my mind, no one and nothing can stop me of accomplishing my goals.
When I am not pursuing my dreams, I love being with my kids in the scouts. I am a chief (or a better-known term would animator) for little girls from 9 to 11 years old for 2 years now. I dedicate every Saturday night for these girls to guide them and teach them to adapt the good values that a scout should have, whether it is in the forest to survive and to manage or whether it is for every day life with their families and friends. I think there is nothing more satisfying than being a good role model for these little girls to see them grow into big and independent women that will be able to cope through every single problem in life.
Basically, I would say that I am someone that loves to see the positive in everyone and in everyday because someone once told me that life is too short to be anything but happy.