Finalist Miss Teen Canada 2021

Éloïse T
Hello! My name is Éloïse, I am 15 years old, I live in Jonquière and I am in Secondary IV at the private high school Séminaire de Chicoutimi. I am a committed person and passionate about everything I do. I love to try new things and am not afraid of failure; for me, this is just a learning opportunity. I have been a pianist and singer in a music group supervised by my school for 3 years now. We won first prize in the local final of the High School Talent Competition in February 2020. I love art. The cinema and the theater are by far the two things that fascinate me the most. I always dream of being a television actress. In fact, I have been saving for a little while to audition to join a film agency and thus make my dream come true.
I am a very dedicated person and love to be of service. Before the pandemic, I regularly volunteered. I am a member of my school’s volunteer committee and we have received many tributes for helping people in need with kindness. I was nominated for two years (2019 and 2020) at the awards gala in the community engagement category and I won in 2019 thus receiving a trophy and a scholarship. I am a sporty girl. I have been playing volleyball for 4 years and love running and fitness. I exercise 4 to 5 times a week; it helps me a lot to get off the hook. Health is the greatest gift anyone can afford, but it must be preserved. I had complexes about my body for a long time because, despite my healthy lifestyle, my metabolism did not allow me to have the physique I dreamed of. I recently lost 11 pounds and have gained a lot of confidence. I feel better about myself and take more pride in my body. However, I always believed that my personality was worth much more than my physique. I am quite impulsive, quite stubborn and strong in character. I want my points to be taken into account and I’m not afraid to question the rules.
I am not afraid to talk about my emotions, share my experiences and bring up taboo subjects. Openness is one of my great strengths and I try to convey this value to the people I work with. My family and my friends are most important to me so I will do anything for them. I can’t stand selfishness or jealousy. I am very selfless as a person and I believe that everyone has the right to happiness. I love to make people laugh and since I’m quite spontaneous, my humor is natural. I laugh very easily and love to smile. I think I am a good candidate because I am a versatile person who loves meeting people and is thirsty for challenges and new things. I advocate diversity and self-acceptance while pushing myself to stay healthy. I have a great joie de vivre that I like to share with those around me and that is why people generally appreciate my company.
Finally, I am immensely grateful to have the privilege of being a finalist of this prestigious event which will enrich me and make me meet extraordinary people.
If you’d Elected: what you would realize
Why vote for me!
Since I was young, health has been a great value in my family. But unfortunately, eating well, exercising and looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself that you have the ideal physique is not everything. The brain is what controls all your actions, your movements, your thoughts, and it is also the brain that analyzes the words that I have written and that you are reading now: it is the big man and must be healthy too. From the age of 7 to 13, I suffered from anxiety and it affected me a lot. My quality of life has deteriorated tremendously, and even when I was having good times, I dreaded the future and was never completely at ease. It inevitably created a vicious cycle and it took me 6 years to learn how to get rid of it. Dealing with such a heavy situation on your own is an experience that made me very quickly responsible, aware and mature. If I am elected, I would love to lecture to young people to help them. I would also use my platform to share my experiences, my advice, and I would happily do yoga and meditation capsules, two activities that have helped me control my anxiety. Everyone deserves to be happy and to live every moment to the fullest. 3 years ago I would never have dared to click on the first step of the Miss Teen Canada auditions when today I am a finalist. Let’s take care of our mind.