Miss Canada 2015
Dominique D.
Being in a pageant is not just about beauty. It’s more about service to the community and being a role model and making a difference. It’s being proud of your city. It’s all what you put into it…
-Chantel Giamanco
My name is Dominique and I’m a 19 year old student from Campbellton, New-Brunswick. From the first moment I set foot on a stage at the young age of 4, I fell in love with performing. Since that moment, I can’t get enough. I dance, do improvisation, stand-up comedy and theater. The people who surround me have always perceived me as a natural leader, it’s simply in my blood. At the moment, I’m a student at the Universite Laval in industrial relations.
In 2010, I represented the province of New-Brunswick in Louisiana with the mission of promoting bilingualism. In 2013, I won the vimy pilgrimage award , which recognizes the actions performed by young Canadians who show an exceptional interest and positive contributions to their community. I was recipient of the Young Merit Award medal for having been recognized as a potential leader for the future.
When I was in high school, I was the first student to have taken part in the breakfast committee. It was a project that consisted of offering free breakfast to students in school. I hope this project becomes a nationwide initiative for students who sadly do not have this primary need met, a need that can have a huge impact on a student’s ability to succeed. I also did public announcements to raise awareness about childhood bullying. I participated in the P.A.R.T.Y. simulation program (Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related to Trauma in Youth) for 5 consecutive years in order to help young people make better decisions concerning the use of alcohol and drugs. In 2013, I cut off 14 inches of my hair and donated it to the Pantene Beautiful Length program which makes wigs for young people suffering from cancer.
When I was younger, I dreamt of being the prime minister of Canada (before I was old enough to realize that democracy doesn’t quite work this way). Our country needs an authentic leader with ambition to represent us. By participating in the Miss Canada pageant, I hope to open the eyes of other young girls and women in Canada to make them see how wonderful they are. I hope to be a positive influence for our generation to encourage them to push their own boundaries in order to achieve their full potential.
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