Finalist Miss Canada 2021

Magaly C

If you’d Elected: what you would realize
Why vote for me!

I would continue my life journey by offering any form of mutual aid that I can and as a Laureate, these opportunities will be multiplied. Having a bigger point of access, it will be achievable to offer, give, support and help more than I would have imagined. Whether for others, for one cause or another, altruism will be my motto.

Honestly, in all simplicity, listen to your heart; it will guide you to the right choice. If you have anything to do with a candidate, be it me or another, place your choice based on how you feel.


 Miss Canada

Miss Canada and Miss Teen Canada have been existing trademarks since 1946 and they are highly anticipated annually. These events advocate attitude and personality above all else. The candidates live a unforgettable and beautiful experience all in the spirit of camaraderie throughout the activities.