Finalist Miss Teen Canada 2021

Maiher G
Hello, my name is Maiher Gill (pronounced May·her). I am 16 years old and am an 11th grade student at Abbotsford Senior Secondary School, in Abbotsford British Columbia.
I’ve been dancing since I was 5 years old. When I dance, I feel amazing and free. I’ve learned so much from the past 11 years of dancing, including grace, personal strength and courage to try new things under pressure. No matter what, each time I step into the studio I perform with professionalism, a commitment to excellence and authenticity.
I like to bake. Really though, it’s about spending time with family and friends. It gives me great joy to share my creations with others. There’s something very special about giving treats created with love. During the uncertain times of 2020, I found it especially important to stay in touch with people to see if they’re okay and let them know they have a listening ear available. It was interesting to learn that everyone was dealing with it differently and in their own way.
I have been involved in leadership for many years. I’ve learned that integrity, determination, and respect are some of my most important values. I’m not perfect and I own up to my mistakes, no matter how tough it might seem. I’ve come to realize how blessed I am to live in Canada. When I learned that there are girls who have been abandoned because of their gender, I got involved with an organization that provides personal hygeine products and sent care packages to support those that needed it. I save my Saturday mornings to volunteer and help organize a food drive providing much needed supplies to local homeless shelters and Indigenous communities. This volunteer opportunity allows us to connect food to the people that need it.
My future involves going to law school and helping people look for justice, whether or not they can afford it. I will be the voice when others cannot speak for themselves. Miss Teen Canada 2021 will help me create a strong platform for self-love and stick to my motto. ‘Be who you are, not what others want to see.’ .