Finalist Miss Canada 2025
Vote for me !

Mariann T
All her younger and teenage years, Mariann lived with a sickening timidity, which translated into great difficulties doing what she loved, like theatre and music. In her adult years, she decided to take her courage in both hands and take part, twice, in Miss Quebec.
Finishing as a finalist both times, she decided to take on a bigger challenge, by taking part in Miss Canada 2025. Her objective: Show that when we want, we can, if we give ourselves enough motivation and courage. Even if it is hard, even if we want to give up, the reward is worth it all.
If you’d Elected: what you would realize
Why vote for me!
If I become Miss Canada, I want to help all the girls and women develop their confiance, learn who they are and their strength.
You should vote for me, for all those timid girls, hiding in the back of the class, in their big hoodie, trying not to catch any attention. Girls, you deserve all the confidence in the world. Stand strong and scream loud, you deserve it.