Finalist Miss Canada 2021

Melissa G
Hello my name is Mélissa Gilbert. In life I am a beneficiary attendant and I love it🌺. I love our seniors. Be with them, keep them company and make sure they are well at all times. I’m going to college to study drug addiction. I will be with my patients throughout their weaning and be an ear to listen to them and a voice to motivate them. For me in life there is nothing more important than happiness, love and empathy. In this very big world we are often in difficulty and we must all support each other and find our voice in order to be able to help even more. I sing and play the piano. I have done multiple concerts. Soon I’ll be doing a show elsewhere for my residents. In this time of covid many are stressed and without visits …
I am athletic. I play soccer a lot and train for strength training, running, and I listen to a lot of reporting on nutrition and strength training. The field of nutrition came second for my university. I live with my mother and my little sister. My mom is my best friend. I am very fashion of the day. I keep abreast of trends and have been a professional model for 2 years. I love what I’m doing today. I changed everything that I didn’t like in my life and it was not very easy but I succeeded and today I am very proud of who I am and I hope I can change the life of more people possible if I can support a cause that is close to my heart❤️