Finalist Miss Teen Canada 2021

Rose L.
Miss Teen Canada 2021 will be 16-year-old Rose second time competing in the pageant after placing in the Top 6 in 2020. A British Columbia resident for 15 years, Rose has a deep love for her province and country and would be honoured to bear its name as a representative.
Rose entered pageantry as a stand against traditional guidelines of beauty. As a plus size woman as well as a member of the LGBTQ+ community (and unapologetically confident about both), she felt underrepresented in the media’s portrayal of beauty, and knew she was not alone in it. Beyond being her platform, Rose strives to live her life being a voice for those who receive endless messages that they should not feel beautiful as they are. Being a grade 11 student in high school, she is saddened by how it is more normalized for girls her age to be insecure than happy within their own skin.
Upon entering her first pageant at age 14, Rose fell in love with pageantry. She could spread her message and be a voice for teenage girls while simultaneously making use of her hobbies and life-long interests such as makeup, fashion, and performing, all while making new friends! That weekend she won the title of “Miss Teen Greater Vancouver” which was a wonderful surprise. Within these last 2 years Rose has had the opportunity to volunteer / fundraise for organizations including the Canadian Cancer Society, Make-A-Wish Canada, Cops for Cancer, The Terry Fox Foundation, Operation Enfant Soleil, and the Sustainabiliteens, among others.
Through the COVID-19 home lockdown Rose has used the time for personal growth as well as promoting her platform via social media. She has held strong to her “attitude of gratitude” approach to life, and appreciating what she does have despite life looking different right now. This message was especially important for Rose when she lost her home to an electrical fire in February 2020 just before the pandemic hit. She spoke about these topics on Miss Teen Quebec 2016; Steph Hubert’s documentary series “Visions of Representation” in May.
As of recently, Rose has been enjoying writing for her blog “Rose Map of Madness” as well as reporting for her local paper, learning to drive, babysitting, singing in her district’s Honour Choir, and being on the costumes crew of her school play.
If you’d Elected: what you would realize
Why vote for me!
“My initial and main reason for entering pageants was to spread a message of body positivity and becoming BFFs with yourself. After all, you are the person you spend the most time talking to in your life, so why be mean to her? I am a natural born leader and have no issue taking the charge on raising awareness about important issues. Being in high school I see insecurity all around me and it makes me deeply sorrowful. Every day media, marketing and outdated social constructs are telling us that we aren’t good enough; essentially planting insecurity into people. And for what? If we can educate our children from the beginning of their lives that not only do we all deserve respect and equal treatment, that there is also nothing about them that needs to be changed to fit society’s projections. I have a deep belief in body positivity as well as equal treatment and education for all Canadians regardless of race, sexuality, age, wealth, relationship status, gender identity, and any other factor. A Canadian is a Canadian, and not only that, we are all just one human race trying to figure it out. When I won Miss Teen Greater Vancouver I was beyond overjoyed. Not only would I be provided with more opportunities to be more active in my community, I got to spread my message with those in my city. With the Miss Teen Canada crown I would be able to grow my platform and spread my message through not only Vancouver but the whole country. Whether I win or not, I vow to continue doing my part to make Canada a better place one smile, hug, pep talk, kind/encouraging word, good deed, and act of community service at a time. Don’t let anyone tell you what beauty and strength looks like, all you have to do is look in a mirror and you can find it yourself.”