Miss Teen Canada 2016
Shalom R.
Hi, my name is Shalom. I am 17 years old and I live in Fort Langley, British Columbia.
I believe that each individual has unique gifts and talents, making them beautiful in their own way. Therefore, I have always sought to inspire and encourage creativity within myself, and others. I enjoy singing and playing my guitar, writing/recording music, acting on stage, cinematography, modeling, and competing with my senior hip-hop team. I love bringing joy and happiness to people around me, focusing on others rather than myself, and brightening their day. This year I have enjoyed volunteering for local charities, such as: The Ronald McDonald House, Terry Fox Run, Cops for Cancer, Global Fire Run for Leukemia and the Variety Show of Hearts Telethon. As a leader in my school community, I chose to develop a grade 6-8 girls group, to discuss real life issues, such as: self-defeated thoughts, cutting, bullying, suicide, depression etc. and provide strategies to overcome them. Through weekly meetings, I have guided and encouraged this group of young teens to become confident and strong leaders in their school community. If I were to be crowned Miss Teen Canada, I would use the platform to be a positive example and take the program to other schools to develop leaders nationally.
Instagram: missteencanada2016
Or https://www.instagram.com/missteencanada2016/
Website: www.shalomreimer.com
Youtube: Shalom Reimer