Finalist Miss Canada 2017
Stephanie B
I’m 29 years old and live in Montreal. I’m generally recognized as someone who is always positive minded, full of life, extremely reliable, caring and adventurous. I have a great deal of respect for the environment, other people and my general health. As a form of homage towards the planet and its inhabitants I converted to Veganism. I strongly believe that people’s good deeds collectively contribute towards making the world a better place. These core values have remained with me throughout my life. I think that maintaining a positive attitude and listening to my heart are strong contributors towards maintaining a vibrant healthy lifestyle.
As a young adolescent, I faced many challenges including dropping out of school at age 15 and changing schools 13 times. Regardless of these setbacks, I chose to return to school at age 25 and complete a university degree in communications. Today, I sit on the board of directors for an institution where I attended as a former student.
In 2010, with only French as a spoken language, I headed for Western Canada with only a Snowboard and a desire to explore the rocky mountains and learn english. After 3 years I returned to Montreal : fully bilingual.